Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Environmentally Friendly Carpet Cleaning Services: Important Information

Lots of people today choose to use green or eco-friendly carpet cleaning products because these products offer an array of benefits. Using green products for carpet cleaning isn't only good for the environment but to your health as well. For even quite possibly the most difficult jobs, a professional carpet cleaning company, such as Sonic Care in Toronto, ON, can clean your carpet or rug using only the best green products for cleaning carpets.

It is a popular misconception that green carpet cleaning services or products are expensive. In fact, eco-friendly carpet cleaning services and products are highly useful and affordable. This article will shed some light on the various benefits associated with using eco-friendly carpet cleaning products.  Click here for more details.

Harmful Effects of Chemical Based Carpet Cleaners

There are lots of chemical based carpet cleaners on the market. The ingredients contained in these cleaners may lead to health problems such as rashes, liver and kidney damage respiratory problems and allergies. Ingredients found in these solutions, such as dyes, alkaline, bleach, butoxyethanol and enzymes can lead to a number of skin problems as well as other conditions that can take a long time to cure. Inhalation of these components can lead to tiredness and dizziness, particularly in children and the elderly.

Benefits of Using Green or Eco-friendly Carpet Cleaners

One of the best advantages that come with the use of green or organic carpet cleaning products is the absence of toxic chemicals. Since the green carpet cleaners contain only organic or natural ingredients, they are biodegradable and safe for the environment. Natural or green carpet cleaners remove stains and can help you keep your carpets clean for a longer period of time without leaving a residue. If you find this informative, you will want to look at wikipedia.

Eco-friendly Products to Clean Carpets

You can use natural products to clean carpets. Combine one cup of water, one cup of vinegar, and a half cup of baking soda to create your own natural carpet cleaning solution.   You can spray this on the stains on carpets before cleaning them with an absorbent towel. You can also make your own eco-friendly carpet deodorizer by mixing a few drops of your favorite essential oil into the baking soda mixture. This can be sprinkled on the carpet and left for a few minutes before scrubbing the area, blotting op any moisture and then vacuuming or sweeping the carpet. This process will have an entire room fragrant within a few minutes.

A few other green carpet cleaning products you can use easily without being afraid of harming the environment are club soda, dish washing soap, and borax. It's also possible to check for “natural” or “green” carpet cleaning products in your nearest supermarket. Alternatively, you can also order organic carpet cleaning products online. You are able to hire professional carpet cleaners who offer natural or organic carpet cleaning services in your area of residence. In case you have Internet access, then you should be able to find a company that provides reliable, eco-friendly carpet cleaning services close to you.


  1. Really this is a great guide to natural house cleaning! Today we must lay more emphasis on green cleaning products rather than chemical products.It will be safe for us and our environment!

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